Add In Pack

Activity Print Merge Activity information into a custom MS Word document and take it with you on the road or to your meetings!
ACT/Word Integration Enables support for MS Office in Act!
Alarms To Go Enables the "Go To" button on the ringing alarms dialog to work with multiple selected alarms, instead of just one
Basic Automation Performs calculations, mail merges, creates notes or histories, and a whole lot more!
Company Limited Access Setup Hide the names of Companies that the user does not have access to in the Company tree view
Company Contact Updater Update your Linked Contacts quickly and easily with the Company Contact Updater!
Company Creator Adds the ability to create Company records based on Contact data
Company Delete A simple and efficient tool that does one thing - Company DeleteR1 makes it easy to delete the current lookup of Companies.
Company Lookup Contacts Makes it easy to create a lookup of Companies from a lookup of Contacts.
Contact List Field Sets Create sets of fields and quickly switch between them on the Contact List!
Link Setup Adds a button to the Record History dialog which allows you to click a button, select a file, and have a link (like a URL) inserted into the Details box which can be clicked on to access the file.
Login Command Line
Outlook Integraion Tool Integrates ACT! by Sage and Microsoft Outlook for the best e-mail user experience available.
Custom Quoting Tool Fast, easy, and highly customizable quoting for ACT!  directly to Excel!
Quote Multi Select Create multiple quote templates and select which to use for your next ACT! quote!
Data Modifier Perform Excel-style modifications to your data, directly inside of ACT!
Export Secondary Export your Secondary Contact data to Excel
Promote Secondary
ZipR1Setup Allows for easy Zip+4 lookups, from a convenient button on the Contact layout!